These were sometimes sent as gifts for the participants in an experimental session and sometimes to provide evidence. Paranormal writing by the Communicators on a pad and pencil which had been put in the cellar for this purpose.Īpports which are objects brought from another place to the cellar. Levitation at first of small objects, and then larger ones such as heavy tables and chairs. Sounds of electro-static 'crackling' could be heard as phenomena were produced.

Splashing of water droplets onto the Group and visitors at some sessions. These could be on the floor or hanging from wall or ceiling. Raps and taps could be heard around the room coming from any surface s ome soft, some very loud. Smells and aromas may have been of flowers or of a smell associated with the spirit being which was communicating or who had manifested in the cellar. Paranormal breezes were often felt when 'spirit beings' were manifested in the cellar. Conversely, the temperature increased slightly when apports were received. Visitors to the experimental session often reported feeling the temperature drop. The Scole Group monitored the temperature in the cellar and found that there was a correlation between the production of some of the phenomena and a drop in temperature on the thermometer.

A drop in temperature often around the lower legs.