While Lara tries to solve the mystery of Siberia, she encounters an organisation called Trinity. The legend behind the city begins in the 12th century and still comes nowadays, that this ancient city grants with a promise of immortality. This time she is trying to find the legendary city of Kitezh in Siberia, Russia. This story follows Lara Croft, one year after battling her supernatural experiences in Yamatai. Rise of the Tomb Raider is the eleventh entry in the franchise, being a sequel to its predecessor, Tomb Raider, a reboot of the franchise. Most of the game charm and popularity of Borderlands 2 comes from the supporting cast and the personalities of the NPC, making this fast-paced shooter with optional cover stand out. But with the DLC players can try out summoning giant flying robots with Gaige the Mechromancer and Krieg the Psycho.

Now the main cast consists of Gunzerker Salvador(dual-wields guns at command), Siren Maya (holds and paralyzes the enemy), Commando Axton (summons turrets) and Zer0 the Assasin (invisible sniper ninja). Unlike the first game, Borderlands 2 provided DLC not only expanding the world of Pandora with stand-alone story campaigns but adding 2 more characters. Clear out the endless waves and groups and marauders with various weapon types and character abilities.
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Sequel to the 4-player cooperative FPS RPG Borderlands, where the new team of Vault Hunters arrives on the infamous planet Pandora in order to get the riches, hidden inside the Vault, and help to free the planet from the Handsome Jack, President of Hyperion. Games Like Evolve Stage 2: Borderlands 2,Rise of the Tomb Raider,Dark Souls III,Alan Wake,MORTAL KOMBAT X,Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag,Borderlands,Mad Max,Fallout 3,Assassin's Creed Odyssey Game like Evolve Stage 2 for PlayStation 2 Game like Evolve Stage 2 for PlayStation 3 Game like Evolve Stage 2 for Nintendo DS Game like Evolve Stage 2 for Nintendo Switch

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